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BAYCK ExpressLRS 915MHz Dual core RX ELRS receiver with two antennas

Price:1 084 uah with VATPrice in USD:25.90
Brand: BAYCKSKU 17565
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Out of stockExpected: 8 Апр 2025

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The BAYCK RX 915MHZ Dual Core Diversity Dual Long Antenna Receiver is a wireless remote control system optimized and developed based on the open source ExpressLRS project. The receiver's factory firmware is version 3.3.0, which supports SBUS.


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Приймач BAYCK ExpressLRS 915MHz Dual core RX ELRS з двома антенамиПриймач BAYCK ExpressLRS 915MHz Dual core RX ELRS з двома антенамиПриймач BAYCK ExpressLRS 915MHz Dual core RX ELRS з двома антенамиПриймач BAYCK ExpressLRS 915MHz Dual core RX ELRS з двома антенамиПриймач BAYCK ExpressLRS 915MHz Dual core RX ELRS з двома антенами

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