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iFlight 85mm carbon fiber battery protector

Price:199 uahPrice in USD:4.69
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The iFlight Carbon Protector helps keep the battery from being damaged in the event of a bad landing. Convenient for frames where the battery is under the main plate and not protected from below.

The carbon fiber plate is attached to the frame with Velcro. Soft feet can be glued from the bottom for landing damping.




protection board a plane iflight carbon cover case accum айфлайт защита карбоновая подставка iflight battery protection plate tie down strap non-slip matprotection board a plane iflight carbon cover case accum айфлайт защита карбоновая подставка iflight battery protection plate tie down strap non-slip matprotection board a plane iflight carbon cover case accum айфлайт защита карбоновая подставка iflight battery protection plate tie down strap non-slip matprotection board a plane iflight carbon cover case accum айфлайт защита карбоновая подставка iflight battery protection plate tie down strap non-slip matprotection board a plane iflight carbon cover case accum айфлайт защита карбоновая подставка iflight battery protection plate tie down strap non-slip mat

Tags: iflight

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