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Maple Wireless 21dBi 4.9G/5.5G patch antenna

Price:2 428 uah with VATPrice in USD:58.00
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The Maple Wireless 4.9G/5.5G 21dBi Directional Patch Antenna is a vertical polarized antenna designed for operation in the 4.9GHz and 5.5GHz frequency bands. The antenna has a high gain of 21 d Bi and is also suitable for long-distance operation. The radiation angle of 15° can be compensated for by using an automatic AAT tracker. The manufacturer managed to combine high quality materials - solid aircraft aluminum and Teflon coating - without affecting the price of the product!



Tests Maple Wireless 5.5G antenna patch

Тести Патч антена Maple Wireless 5.5G 21dBi

Package contents.



Патч антена Maple Wireless 4 9G 5 5G 21dBiПатч антена Maple Wireless 4 9G 5 5G 21dBiПатч антена Maple Wireless 4 9G 5 5G 21dBiПатч антена Maple Wireless 4 9G 5 5G 21dBiПатч антена Maple Wireless 4 9G 5 5G 21dBiПатч антена Maple Wireless 4 9G 5 5G 21dBiПатч антена Maple Wireless 4 9G 5 5G 21dBiПатч антена Maple Wireless 4 9G 5 5G 21dBiПатч антена Maple Wireless 4 9G 5 5G 21dBi

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