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Antenna Lollipop Maple Wireless 3.3G 2dBi RHCP

Price:356 uah with VATPrice in USD:8.50
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The Lollipop Maple Wireless 3.3G 2dBi antenna operates in the frequency range of 3150-3450MHz. With an input impedance of 50Ω and a low standing wave ratio (SWR) of less than 1.5, this antenna transmits the signal efficiently with minimal losses. The 2dBi gain allows you to maintain an optimal ratio between range and coverage. The half-power beam provides 360° horizontal (H-plane) and 95° vertical (E-plane) coverage, which contributes to wide coverage and increased signal stability. Its compact size (Φ24*148mm) and light weight (13.8g) make the Lollipop Maple Wireless 3.3G Antenna an excellent choice for installation on a variety of platforms.



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Антена Lollipop Maple Wireless 3 3G 2dBiАнтена Lollipop Maple Wireless 3 3G 2dBiАнтена Lollipop Maple Wireless 3 3G 2dBi

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