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GY-521 6DOF accelerometer and gyroscope on MPU-6050 chip

Price:94 uahPrice in USD:2.24
SKU 16964
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GY-521 6DOF module combines two sensors - 3-axis gyroscope and 3-axis accelerometer. GY-521 operates on MPU-6050 chip.

It is designed to determine the location and movement of the object in space and can be used in devices on Arduino, AVR, PIC, ARM, etc., including for the design of quadrocopters.



Акселерометр GY-521 6DOF и гироскоп на чипе MPU-6050Акселерометр GY-521 6DOF и гироскоп на чипе MPU-6050Акселерометр GY-521 6DOF и гироскоп на чипе MPU-6050

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