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2.4G 2000mW radio signal booster. WiFi

Price:1 463 uahPrice in USD:34.95
SKU 10197
Archival goods

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Booster, which essentially amplifies the signal from radio equipment on the frequency 2.4GHz, with a power of 2 watts. It is connected directly from the standard antenna connector of the equipment (if the antenna is unscrewed on the transmitter) type SMA or it is possible to solder the antenna cable directly to the plan of your transmitter. It is also suitable for boosting the signal for DJI Phantom quadcopter.

Also this booster can be used to increase the range of WiFi devices, as all these devices work on the same frequency.


It is strictly forbidden to power the module without connected antennas, as the module will fail.



Бустер усилитель радио сигнала 2 4G 2000mWБустер усилитель радио сигнала 2 4G 2000mWБустер усилитель радио сигнала 2 4G 2000mWБустер усилитель радио сигнала 2 4G 2000mWБустер усилитель радио сигнала 2 4G 2000mWБустер усилитель радио сигнала 2 4G 2000mWБустер усилитель радио сигнала 2 4G 2000mWБустер усилитель радио сигнала 2 4G 2000mW

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