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Relay module 1-channel 5V for Arduino PIC ARM AVR

Price:61 uahPrice in USD:1.45
SKU 16520
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1-channel relay module for Arduino microcontroller, 8051, AVR, AVR, PIC, PLC, DSP, ARM, ARM, MSP430, TTL logic. Used to control various devices with high input current. The relay is powered by a 5 volt voltage, capable of switching loads up to 10A (at 250V).

To use the relay module, connect the device to be controlled using 3 terminal pins, then apply 5V to the module to the VCC and GND pins . Then connect a microcontroller, computer or other control device to the IN control pin of the relay module and start working.

To connect the controlled devices to the relay there are 3 terminal contacts on the board. Contact designation NC-normally closed, COM-common, NO-normally open contact.



1-канальний модуль реле 5В для arduino pic arm avr 1-way relay module 5v low-level trigger1-канальний модуль реле 5В для arduino pic arm avr 1-way relay module 5v low-level trigger схема контакты распиновка

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