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Ultra Power 100AC DUO 100W Battery Charger

Price:3 431 uahPrice in USD:81.97


UP100AC DUO 100W AC/DC charger with 100W power for the first channel and 50W for the second channel. It can be operated in parallel mode with power control as follows:

  1. Total output power is 100W for both channels.
  2. If only one channel is used, the output power coming from channel 1 can approach the maximum 100W and the output power from channel 2 will approach 50W
  3. If both channels are used, the output power from the first channel is 100W minus the output power from the second channel.
  4. If a battery is connected to the second channel while the first channel is running, its power will be reduced in proportion to the connected load on the second channel.



1 channel:

Channel 2:


Зарядное устройство Ultra Power 100AC DUO 100W зарядка charger power питание энергияЗарядное устройство Ultra Power 100AC DUO 100W зарядка charger power питание энергия

Tags: ultra power

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