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Accelerometer and Gyroscope Sensor MPU-6050 (15782)

Price:82 uahPrice in USD:1.95
SKU 16522


The MPU-6050 microchip structure consists of a three-axis 16-bit acceleration sensor (accelerometer), an angular velocity sensor (gyroscope), and a temperature sensor. It is used to obtain information about the position of the radio model in space. Gyroscope provides values of angular velocity with a specified resolution (by default 2000 gr/s) in degrees per second. Accelerometer measures acceleration of three axes and linear accelerations, and also allows to determine the fall of the object or its collision with an obstacle.
All data from the gyroscope and accelerometer are processed by the Digital Motion Processor. It is responsible for accuracy and speed of change.

The MPU-6050 sensor operates via I2C protocol.


Микросхема датчик угла наклона ускорения mpu6050 mpu6050es mpu6050c  15782  чип Акселерометр и гироскопМикросхема датчик угла наклона ускорения mpu6050 mpu6050es mpu6050c  15782  чип Акселерометр и гироскоп

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