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LED RGB Controller WS2812B

Price:103 uahPrice in USD:2.443.49
SKU 13045


LED controller with digital control, allows you to control the operating modes of RGB LED strips WS2812B. The controller has 3 control buttons: Mode -, Speed, Mode +.

Inside the controller there are no step-down stabilizers for power supply of the strip, so the power is supplied directly and depends on the voltage of the LED strip itself. In most cases, the tape with LEDs WS2812B work with a voltage of 5V.



Светодиодный контроллер Диммер mini dimmer rgb 3 канальный led full color mini controller ws2811 2812ic lightws2812b controller 5v 12vСветодиодный контроллер Диммер mini dimmer rgb 3 канальный led full color mini controller ws2811 2812ic lightws2812b controller 5v 12vСветодиодный контроллер Диммер mini dimmer rgb 3 канальный led full color mini controller ws2811 2812ic lightws2812b controller 5v 12vСветодиодный контроллер Диммер mini dimmer rgb 3 канальный led full color mini controller ws2811 2812ic lightws2812b controller 5v 12vСветодиодный контроллер Диммер mini dimmer rgb 3 канальный ed full color mini controller ws2811 2812ic light with three-button controller 5v 12v

Tags: led

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