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Spedix GS25A ESC 4-in-1 2-4S BLHeli_32 / Dshot 1200 Mini Speed Controls

Price:1 674 uahPrice in USD:39.9842.99
Brand: SpedixSKU 12624
Archival goods

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The Spedix GS25A is a 32-bit 4-in-1 speed controller for mini quadcopters with 20 x 20mm mounting holes. The ESC supports 25A continuous current, with the ability to surge up to 30A for 10 seconds.The GS25A runs on BLHeli-32 firmware. The 8-pin connector allows compact connection of flight controllers with a compatible connector.

The 16AWG power cables are pre-soldered to the board for ease of use.



Мини регуляторы скорости spedix gs25a 25a esc 4-in-1 2-4s blheli_32 dshot 1200Мини регуляторы скорости spedix gs25a 25a esc 4-in-1 2-4s blheli_32 dshot 1200Мини регуляторы скорости spedix gs25a 25a esc 4-in-1 2-4s blheli_32 dshot 1200Мини регуляторы скорости spedix gs25a 25a esc 4-in-1 2-4s blheli_32 dshot 1200

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