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Ethix V2 neck strap for radio equipment

Price:335 uahPrice in USD:7.99
Brand: EthixSKU 16146


A new version of the popular FPV neck strap from Mr. Steele. The carabiner and strap length remain the same as the V1, but a number of changes have been made to maximize comfort. The neck cushion finally stays in place, as velcro has been added to the strap to prevent the cushion from sliding freely on the strap. If the cushion gets in the way, you can now remove it altogether, thanks to the added metal clips.

The neck pad is even a little wider, and the soft breathable lining makes wearing the strap even more comfortable. Also, the Ethix logo on the strap itself is now black.


Шейный ремешок ethix для радиоаппаратуры neck strap v2Шейный ремешок ethix для радиоаппаратуры neck strap v2Шейный ремешок ethix для радиоаппаратуры neck strap v2

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