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CNHL G+Plus 5000mAh 14.8V 4S 70C Lipo Battery with XT90

Price:2 702 uahPrice in USD:64.55
Brand: CNHLSKU 17107


CNHL G+Plus 5000mAh 14.8V 4S 70C Lipo Lithium Polymer Battery is a 5000mAh lithium polymer battery with a capacity of 14.8 volts and a high discharge rate of70C . It comes with an XT90 connector. The CNHL G+Plus 5000mAh 14.8V 4S 70C rechargeable battery is capable of providing long flight time and is suitable for use in a variety of models including quadcopters and other models that require high power and performance.


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Аккумулятор CNHL G Plus 5000mAh 14 8V 4S 70C Lipo с XT90Аккумулятор CNHL G Plus 5000mAh 14 8V 4S 70C Lipo с XT90

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